Ohanasi Kagawaは2019年9月にスタートして以来、3000名以上、50カ国以上の方々のつながりをサポートしてきました。
私たちOhanasi Kagawaはそんなお互いのつながりを求める日本人と世界中の人たちの架け橋になれる場所になれるよう活動を続けています。
Since Ohanasi Kagawa started in September 2019, we have supported over 3,000 people from more than 50 countries to connect with each other.
There are many Japanese language learners and people who love Japan all over the world, and at the same time, there are many Japanese people learning English who want to connect with people from other countries.
However, there is not yet a place where they can connect easily and safely.
Ohanasi Kagawa is trying to be a bridge between Japanese people and people from all over the world who are looking to connect with each other.
We would be happy to meet sponsors who would support our activities financially.
We hope you will join us in realizing a society in which Japan and the world are connected in a safe and natural way.
Ohanasi KagawaのWebアプリ内でバナーを掲載致します。
We will post your company banner in Ohanasi Kagawa’s web application.
It will be sure to catch the attention of those attending the event.
Clicking on the banner will take visitors to a site set up by your company.
Ohanasi Kagawaのイベント内でのバナーに御社のバナーを配置致します。
We will place your company’s banner on the Ohanasi Kagawa event banner.
When the banner is clicked, the visitor will be redirected to the URL set by your company.
You can reach out to event participants.
There is a 5-minute break between the first and second sessions of the event, and your company’s video can be played as an advertisement within that 5-minute break and within the closing presentation video at the end of the event.
You can reach the people attending the event with your video.
Email : one.ii.seventy@gmail.com