Ohanasi Kagawa

What is Ohanasi Kagawa?

Ohanasi Kagawa is an international exchange community
connecting Japan and the world.
We create opportunities for people in Japan and around the world
to connect more easily and safely.
Currently, we hold free language exchange events on weekends
where people can practice speaking by alternating between Japanese and English.
Japanese people studying English and people from all over the world studying Japanese
come together on one platform to meet and exchange language skills.
Events are held online and can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
Ohanasi Kagawa events are held in a one-to-one style with two 15-minute sessions.
15 minutes in Japanese and 15 minutes in English. We create an environment
where everyone can easily interact with each other.

*There is a possibility that some groups will be in groups of three
due to the number of participants.

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A new form of
language exchange
that only Ohanasi Kagawa can offer

Easy to talk in a 1 on 1 style

Easy to interact in a venue that is close to real life

Staff are nearby if anything happens.

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At Ohanasi Kagawa events, we believe that the most important thing is to create an environment where it is easy for participants to talk, socialize, and feel safe.
Therefore, we specialize in one-on-one conversations (depending on the balance of numbers on the day, there may be groups of three) and use a platform called Remo to create an environment similar to a real social gathering.
We also have staff on patrol so that students can interact with each other in a safe environment.

Participate online from all over
the world at weekends!

Events are held
six times a month.

Twice a week, on Saturday and Sunday in Japan time.

Participate online from anywhere you are.

Ohanasi Kagawa events are held six times a month on Saturdays and Sundays on weekends in Japan time. (Basically, the third Saturday and Sunday are closed.)The events Ohanasi Kagawa II are held on Saturday from 19:00 to 20:30 (Sat, 10:00 am – 11:30 am GMT) and Ohanasi Kagawa I are held on Sunday from 9 am – 10:30 am (Sun, 0 am - 1:30 am GMT).

For a detailed schedule and reservation information, please visit the members' page.

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Japanese beginners welcome!
Mistakes are welcome!

Environment similar to studying abroad or travelling to Japan.

A place where beginners in Japanese are welcomed.

A place where it's okay to make mistakes.

Click here for beginners


Even beginner-level Japanese speakers are welcome to participate in the event.
Ohanasi Kagawa is a place where it is totally okay to make mistakes. Let's challenge ourselves positively.
You may still have trouble speaking Japanese at the event.
But that is the same for Japanese people who are learning English.
In Ohanasi Kagawa, we should have a spirit of helping each other when someone is in need.
If you really need help, we also have staff who can speak English, so please don't hesitate to ask for help.

About Ohanasi Kagawa
event management

One II Seventy, which operates Ohanasi Kagawa, has as its management philosophy "to connect and expand with the world" and "to create a world where people can gain new perspectives, overcome boundaries, and live more freely as themselves". With this in mind, we are developing three businesses: the international exchange event business Ohanasi Kagawa, the Japanese language business Ohanasi Japanese Language School, and the English language business Ohanasi English Personal Gym.

Please click here to read the CEO's message and company profile.


Participant's Feedback


Learn Japanese

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


WHY「”ぜひ”気をつけます」is INCORRECT/ Advice to Japanese learners

Hi I'm Satomi. I am a Japanese teacher. Sometimes, my students use "ぜひ" incorrectly. In this article,I want to explain how to use "ぜひ" correctly. QUIZ1:Which is correct ? 1.(  )、来年は 日本へ来てくださいね。  a.さあ  b.ぜひ 2. 私はパーティーがきらいです。(  )行きたくないです。  a.ぜったい  b.ぜひ 3. A「これは私が作ったおにぎりです。食べますか?」 B「おいしそうですね!(  )食べます!」  a.ぜひ  b.もちろん QUIZ1:Answer 1. ぜひ、来年は 日本へ来てくださいね。  Definitely please come to Japan in the next year. 2. 私はパーティーがきらいです。ぜったい行きたくないです。  I never want to join a party because I don't like it. 3. A「これは私が作ったおにぎりです。食べますか?」 B「おいしそうですね!もちろん食べます!」  A"Why don't you eat the onigiri I made?"  B”It looks good. Of course I'll eat it!” Do you know how to use "ぜひ" correctly? How was the quiz? Did you know these differences? Please don't feel nervous if you were not able to answer correctly. Let's review how to use "ぜひ" with me! The rules you should know to use "ぜひ" correctly The most important thing is not the meaning, but how to connect with verbs.So, I want to explain about it more clearly from now! "ぜひ" never connect with "ます form" Some Japanese learners might make the mistake that "ぜひ~ます” use together. Of course, "ぜひ" means "certainly", "definitely", but you can't use "ぜひ~ます" to only emphasize your feeling. The point is that "ぜひ" emphasizes your desire or request. Let's look at the sentences! ”ぜひ~てください” and "ぜひ~たい"…request and desire Let me show you these sentences. ①ぜひ、来年は 日本へ来てくださいね。ーDefinitely please come to Japan in the next year. ②来月の結婚式に、ぜひ参加したいです。ーI really want to join your wedding party in the next month. In Japanese language, ①"Vてください" means "your request to others". Also, ②”Vたい” means "your desire". On the other hand, if you would use "ぜひ" and "ます" together... ①*ぜひ、来年は 日本へ来ますね。?ーDefinitely you come to Japan in the next year. ? ②*来月の結婚式に、ぜひ参加します。?ーI really join your wedding party in the next month. ? You know, even if you make sentences in English like ①* and ②*, they don't make sense, right? In short, "~ます" doesn't express the meaning of "your request" and "your desire". The reason why you can't use "ぜひ" and "ます" together. QUIZ2:Review 1. 明日、(  )ミーティングに参加します。  a.かならず b.ぜひ 2.明日(  )お祭り(おまつり)に参加したいです。  a.たぶん b.ぜひ 3(  )日本へ旅行に行くかもしれません。  a.ぜひ  b.たぶん 4.(  )一緒に日本へ行きましょう!  a.ぜひ b.たぶん 5.姉は私の友だちに「(  )私の家に遊びに来てくださいね。」と言った。  a.ぜひ b.とても QUIZ2:Answer 1. 明日、かならずミーティングに参加します。 ーI will definitely attend the meeting tomorrow.  a.かならず b.ぜひ  ★Point★ ✕”ぜひ~ます” 2.明日、ぜひお祭り(おまつり)に参加したいです。 ーI would love to attend the festival tomorrow.  a.たぶん b.ぜひ 3.たぶん日本へ旅行に行くかもしれません。 ーI might travel to Japan.  a.ぜひ  b.たぶん★Point★ "たぶん~かもしれない" means "perhaps". 4.ぜひ一緒に日本へ行きましょう! ーLet's go to Japan together!  a.ぜひ b.たぶん★Point★ "~ましょう" means "let's ~". In Japanese language, "~ましょう" express "you suggest/request doing something with someone". So you can use "ぜひ~ましょう" together as well. 5.姉は私の友だちに「ぜひ私の家に遊びに来てくださいね。」と言った。 ーMy sister said to my friend, "Come and visit my house".  a.ぜひ b.とても Do you understand how to use "ぜひ" in Japanese conversation? I want to suggest you to use it as soon as possible before you will forget it. “Ohanasi Kagawa” hosts free online language exchange events. The events are held six times a month, and you can find a language exchange partner who is a native Japanese speaker! Instead of teaching English, you will be matched with a Japanese person who wants to learn English. Interaction with a language exchange partner is very important for developing real communication skills in learning Japanese, and since we switch the language we speak for 15 minutes at a time, even beginners may find it easy to participate. ぜひ Ohanasi Kagawaに 参加してみましょう! 【For Japanese Learners】 Limited to 10 people Free Consultation & Japanese Lesson We are organizing a free Japanese language consultation & free Japanese lesson for Japanese learners. “Even though I’m studying Japanese, I can’t speak it.” “I don’t know how to study Japanese.” “I’m worried that I can’t see any progress.” Our Japanese Language Learning Counselors would be happy to listen to the concerns of such beginner- or intermediate-level Japanese language learners and advise them on how to learn Japanese and solutions that suit their needs. ※Due to the limited time of our Japanese Language Counselors, we limit the number of participants to 10. We at Ohanasi Kagawa are currently hosting an online Japanese-English language exchange event on weekends.However, we have noticed that there are many people who want to participate but are not confident enough in their Japanese to do so. We are holding this free Japanese language study consultation in the hope that we can help Japanese learners find hints to help them move forward.You can book through the calendar below, and we will send you a link for the free counseling by e-mail.If you’d like to take a Japanese lesson, you can take it for free during this time. Book a fee counseling and trial lesson>>

Ohanasi Kagawa

Learn Japanese

Japanese Culture

Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


【Nihongo-Level ★★☆☆】How to use these similar meaning verbs correctly

Japanese Learners might make a mistake? Hi I'm Satomi. I have taught Japanese to foreigners for more than 4 years. I realized some of them might make a mistake even if they are intermediate students.Today, I want to explain how to distinguish them. Quiz Choose the appropriate verb. aゆでる bたく cむす dにる 1.こめを (  )。2.パスタを(  )。3.肉まんを(  )。4.カレーを(  )。 *I'll show you these answers at last! Introducing the way of using them ごはんを たく たく(炊く・TAKU) :To add water, soup stock, seasonings, etc. to food and heat to moisten it. After cooking is complete, no water is left behind and the food absorbs the moisture and becomes fluffy. ※Caution "たく" rarely used in eastern Japan except for "cooking rice". On the other hand, in Kansai, the word "たく" is used to describe "boiling in water that has been completely filled with water". たまごを ゆでる ゆでる(茹でる・YUDERU) :To heat the food through to the center. Not to flavor with any seasonings except for salt. (Sometimes salt is added to boiling water.) ぎょうざを むす むす(蒸す・MUSU) :Indirect heating of food by placing it in steam. さといもを にる にる(煮る・NIRU) :To put ingredients in water, broth, or other liquid to heat and season. ※Caution The difference from "ゆでる" is that not only the cooked food but also the broth is served together. Example sentence 米を たく。/ 米(こめ)=rice ごはんを たく。/ごはん =rice パスタを ゆでる。/パスタ=pasta 野菜を ゆでる。/野菜(やさい)=vegetable 肉まんを むす。/肉まん(にくまん)=manju (steamed bun) with meat filling プリンを むす。/プリン=pudding カレーを にる。/カレー=curry 魚を にる。/魚(さかな)=fish スープを にる。/スープ=soup Answer of Quiz 1.こめを (たく)。2.パスタを(ゆでる)。3.肉まんを(むす)。4.カレーを(にる)。 Check the Post @Instagram Wouldn’t it be a great way to practice if you could try using the grammar we learned today in a real conversation with Japanese friends? How to put yourself in an environment where Japanese is used a lot. 1.You can ask your questions face to face outside of lessons!2.You can discuss with English learners through writing whenever you want!3.You can find language partners safely! https://youtu.be/2MT9VCaSmCw?si=0sTxy4-qZ25UaDNe Do you want to put yourself in an environment where Japanese is used a lot? Please check our website if you would like to experience a new way to learn Japanese.

Ohanasi Kagawa

Learn Japanese

Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


Beginner’s Guide to Online Japanese Language Learning Resources

What resources are available for learning Japanese online? There is so much information out there that it is hard to know which one to use. In this article, we will introduce online Japanese learning resources for beginners and explain in detail how to learn Japanese effectively. We will show you how you can take advantage of the benefits and convenience of online learning and learn Japanese at home or at your own pace. Through this guide, beginners can get a well-rounded start to online Japanese language study and improve their Japanese language skills with confidence! Why You Need Japanese Language Learning Resources Understanding the importance of resources in learning Japanese is essential. From beginners to advanced learners, effective resources can help Japanese language learners learn more smoothly and efficiently. This section will explain the features and benefits of various resources, including online courses and language apps. We have also compiled specific advice on how to choose and utilize the resources. Learn grammar and vocabulary and improve your listening and speaking skills through the variety of materials and exercises provided by Japanese language learning resources. Types of Learning Resources and How to Use Them There are a variety of free Japanese language learning resources available to beginners. Below is a list of specific types and how to use them! ・Online dictionaries:Online dictionaries are useful for quickly checking the meaning and usage of Japanese words and phrases. For example, online dictionaries such as Weblio and Jisho allow you to get detailed information by simply typing a word in the search box. ・Phrasebook:Resources with phrases commonly used in everyday conversation can be useful for practical practice. For example, a Japanese conversation book or an everyday phrase book can help you learn expressions and cultural knowledge that you can use in your daily life. Once you have memorized the phrases, you can practice using them in real life. ・Voice learning service:Use audio learning services to improve your Japanese pronunciation and listening skills. For example, by listening to free audio content provided by NHK World Japan and other Japanese language resource sites, you can become familiar with accurate pronunciation and natural rhythm. The key to taking advantage of these resources is to first select the appropriate resource for your learning goals. For example, if you want to look up words, use an online dictionary; if you want to practice daily conversation, use a phrase book. Also, when using audio learning services, it is important to develop the habit of listening to them regularly. When utilizing the resource, actively review the usage and example sentences and practice so that you can use them in real conversations and contexts. Regular continuity is important, so it is important to make it a habit to work on it a little bit each day. Enjoy learning Japanese by freely combining and utilizing resources according to your own learning style! Let's take advantage of learning sites and apps for beginners! From here, let's take a look at learning sites and apps for beginners! - "JLPT Sensei" is an online Japanese language course that helps you learn basic grammar and expressions for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). With a wealth of free resources available, you can deepen your understanding of grammar through visual lessons and exercises. You can learn at your own level, from beginner to advanced. The most effective way is to work on example sentences and exercises as you go through the lessons in the course. - "Duolingo" is an application that allows you to learn Japanese like a game. Through short lessons and quiz-style exercises, you can learn Japanese grammar and vocabulary. The application is designed to be easy to use and easy to keep up with. You can track your progress and study points, so you can check your performance and progress as you go along. The most effective way to use the app is to work on it a little bit each day to ensure continuous learning. - "Easy Japanese" is a website that offers Japanese reading materials adjusted to the level of beginners. Through short articles and stories, you can train your Japanese reading comprehension skills. The text is simple and easy to understand, and the use of kanji is limited, making it easy for beginners to tackle. An effective way to use the site is to select articles on topics that interest you and practice them repeatedly to improve your comprehension of the text. Also, keep active learning in mind by summarizing your problems and opinions after reading! Interact with native Japanese speakers online! Next, we have compiled a list of ways to interact with native Japanese speakers online! - "Ohanasi Kagawa" hosts free online language exchange events. The events are held six times a month, and you can find a language exchange partner who is a native Japanese speaker! Instead of teaching English, you will be matched with a Japanese person who wants to learn English. Interaction with a language exchange partner is very important for developing real communication skills in learning Japanese, and since we switch the language we speak for 15 minutes at a time, even beginners may find it easy to participate. - You can join Japanese conversation clubs on online platforms such as "Meetup" and "ConversationExchange". In these clubs, you will have the opportunity to speak Japanese in a group setting. By participating in regular online events and video chat sessions, you can communicate with native Japanese speakers and learners of Japanese! Group conversations will help you improve your practical conversational skills in a large group setting. - Online services such as "iTalki" and "HelloTalk" allow you to have one-on-one video chats with native Japanese speakers. These services allow online lessons and language exchange with certified native speakers. Through video chat, you can practice your Japanese and receive feedback in real time! With one-on-one sessions, I can have a customized learning experience that meets my individual needs and learning goals. How to motivate yourself to continue studying Japanese From here, we will introduce how to motivate yourself to continue learning Japanese for a long period of time. Let's consider goal setting, study plans, self-reflection and feedback! Goal Setting and Study Plan Goal setting and learning plans are important for effective learning. Specific goal setting based on SMART provides clear direction and motivation. Visualizing the achievement of your goals will make it easier for you to realize your progress. Setting realistic and achievable goals will also increase the effectiveness of your learning. Setting deadlines will help you manage your learning progress and promote focused learning. When creating a study schedule, it is important to find the times of day when you are most focused and incorporate learning into those times. By setting aside a set amount of time for study, you will be able to achieve continuous learning. Estimate the appropriate amount of time for your study and create a specific schedule. It is also important to incorporate appropriate breaks. Goal setting and a study plan can help with self-discipline. Having clear goals and a specific schedule will maximize the effectiveness of your learning. Also, following through on your plan will help you stay motivated. Be flexible and adjust your plan to fit your learning style and time usage! Self-reflection and getting feedback Self-reflection and feedback from others play an important role in improving learning outcomes. Create a learning log to visualize your learning progress and conduct self-analysis. You can also receive feedback from online tutors and language exchange partners to help you identify and improve your learning weaknesses. Together, these elements will help you find effective learning directions and promote your growth! Incorporate regular self-reflection and feedback from others to ensure that you are learning effectively! Continue learning while having fun Finally, here are some tips to help you continue your Japanese language study while having fun ∙ Watch Japanese movies and dramas to improve your listening skills and learn about Japanese culture and expressions. ∙ Listen to Japanese music and podcasts to learn natural phrases and pronunciation while relaxing. ∙ Improve your vocabulary and reading comprehension skills by reading content written in Japanese (manga, novels, news articles, etc.). ∙ Enjoy learning by using Japanese language study materials related to topics and activities that interest you. ∙ Join a study group or community to learn together and motivate yourself. By following these tips, you can enjoy and continue learning Japanese. Take full advantage of the online resources listed above while deepening your learning at your own pace! 【For Japanese Learners】 Limited to 10 people Free Consultation & Japanese Lesson ↑Click to the website! We are organizing a free Japanese language consultation & free Japanese lesson for Japanese learners. “Even though I’m studying Japanese, I can’t speak it.” “I don’t know how to study Japanese.” “I’m worried that I can’t see any progress.” Our Japanese Language Learning Counselors would be happy to listen to the concerns of such beginner- or intermediate-level Japanese language learners and advise them on how to learn Japanese and solutions that suit their needs. ※Due to the limited time of our Japanese Language Counselors, we limit the number of participants to 10. We at Ohanasi Kagawa are currently hosting an online Japanese-English language exchange event on weekends.However, we have noticed that there are many people who want to participate but are not confident enough in their Japanese to do so. We are holding this free Japanese language study consultation in the hope that we can help Japanese learners find hints to help them move forward.You can book through the calendar below, and we will send you a link for the free counseling by e-mail.If you’d like to take a Japanese lesson, you can take it for free during this time. Book a free counseling and trial lesson >>>

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