Ohanasi Kagawa

Learn Japanese for Conversation

Explore useful resources, knowledge, and information about Japanese language and culture to help you talk more with Japanese people fluently.

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Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


【Nihongo-Level ★★☆☆】How to use these similar meaning verbs correctly

Japanese Learners might make a mistake? Hi I'm Satomi. I have taught Japanese to foreigners for more than 4 years. I realized some of them might make a mistake even if they are intermediate students.Today, I want to explain how to distinguish them. Quiz Choose the appropriate verb. aゆでる bたく cむす dにる 1.こめを (  )。2.パスタを(  )。3.肉まんを(  )。4.カレーを(  )。 *I'll show you these answers at last! Introducing the way of using them ごはんを たく たく(炊く・TAKU) :To add water, soup stock, seasonings, etc. to food and heat to moisten it. After cooking is complete, no water is left behind and the food absorbs the moisture and becomes fluffy. ※Caution "たく" rarely used in eastern Japan except for "cooking rice". On the other hand, in Kansai, the word "たく" is used to describe "boiling in water that has been completely filled with water". たまごを ゆでる ゆでる(茹でる・YUDERU) :To heat the food through to the center. Not to flavor with any seasonings except for salt. (Sometimes salt is added to boiling water.) ぎょうざを むす むす(蒸す・MUSU) :Indirect heating of food by placing it in steam. さといもを にる にる(煮る・NIRU) :To put ingredients in water, broth, or other liquid to heat and season. ※Caution The difference from "ゆでる" is that not only the cooked food but also the broth is served together. Example sentence 米を たく。/ 米(こめ)=rice ごはんを たく。/ごはん =rice パスタを ゆでる。/パスタ=pasta 野菜を ゆでる。/野菜(やさい)=vegetable 肉まんを むす。/肉まん(にくまん)=manju (steamed bun) with meat filling プリンを むす。/プリン=pudding カレーを にる。/カレー=curry 魚を にる。/魚(さかな)=fish スープを にる。/スープ=soup Answer of Quiz 1.こめを (たく)。2.パスタを(ゆでる)。3.肉まんを(むす)。4.カレーを(にる)。 Check the Post @Instagram Wouldn’t it be a great way to practice if you could try using the grammar we learned today in a real conversation with Japanese friends? How to put yourself in an environment where Japanese is used a lot. 1.You can ask your questions face to face outside of lessons!2.You can discuss with English learners through writing whenever you want!3.You can find language partners safely! https://youtu.be/2MT9VCaSmCw?si=0sTxy4-qZ25UaDNe Do you want to put yourself in an environment where Japanese is used a lot? Please check our website if you would like to experience a new way to learn Japanese.

Ohanasi Kagawa

Learn Japanese

Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


Beginner’s Guide to Online Japanese Language Learning Resources

What resources are available for learning Japanese online? There is so much information out there that it is hard to know which one to use. In this article, we will introduce online Japanese learning resources for beginners and explain in detail how to learn Japanese effectively. We will show you how you can take advantage of the benefits and convenience of online learning and learn Japanese at home or at your own pace. Through this guide, beginners can get a well-rounded start to online Japanese language study and improve their Japanese language skills with confidence! Why You Need Japanese Language Learning Resources Understanding the importance of resources in learning Japanese is essential. From beginners to advanced learners, effective resources can help Japanese language learners learn more smoothly and efficiently. This section will explain the features and benefits of various resources, including online courses and language apps. We have also compiled specific advice on how to choose and utilize the resources. Learn grammar and vocabulary and improve your listening and speaking skills through the variety of materials and exercises provided by Japanese language learning resources. Types of Learning Resources and How to Use Them There are a variety of free Japanese language learning resources available to beginners. Below is a list of specific types and how to use them! ・Online dictionaries:Online dictionaries are useful for quickly checking the meaning and usage of Japanese words and phrases. For example, online dictionaries such as Weblio and Jisho allow you to get detailed information by simply typing a word in the search box. ・Phrasebook:Resources with phrases commonly used in everyday conversation can be useful for practical practice. For example, a Japanese conversation book or an everyday phrase book can help you learn expressions and cultural knowledge that you can use in your daily life. Once you have memorized the phrases, you can practice using them in real life. ・Voice learning service:Use audio learning services to improve your Japanese pronunciation and listening skills. For example, by listening to free audio content provided by NHK World Japan and other Japanese language resource sites, you can become familiar with accurate pronunciation and natural rhythm. The key to taking advantage of these resources is to first select the appropriate resource for your learning goals. For example, if you want to look up words, use an online dictionary; if you want to practice daily conversation, use a phrase book. Also, when using audio learning services, it is important to develop the habit of listening to them regularly. When utilizing the resource, actively review the usage and example sentences and practice so that you can use them in real conversations and contexts. Regular continuity is important, so it is important to make it a habit to work on it a little bit each day. Enjoy learning Japanese by freely combining and utilizing resources according to your own learning style! Let's take advantage of learning sites and apps for beginners! From here, let's take a look at learning sites and apps for beginners! - "JLPT Sensei" is an online Japanese language course that helps you learn basic grammar and expressions for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). With a wealth of free resources available, you can deepen your understanding of grammar through visual lessons and exercises. You can learn at your own level, from beginner to advanced. The most effective way is to work on example sentences and exercises as you go through the lessons in the course. - "Duolingo" is an application that allows you to learn Japanese like a game. Through short lessons and quiz-style exercises, you can learn Japanese grammar and vocabulary. The application is designed to be easy to use and easy to keep up with. You can track your progress and study points, so you can check your performance and progress as you go along. The most effective way to use the app is to work on it a little bit each day to ensure continuous learning. - "Easy Japanese" is a website that offers Japanese reading materials adjusted to the level of beginners. Through short articles and stories, you can train your Japanese reading comprehension skills. The text is simple and easy to understand, and the use of kanji is limited, making it easy for beginners to tackle. An effective way to use the site is to select articles on topics that interest you and practice them repeatedly to improve your comprehension of the text. Also, keep active learning in mind by summarizing your problems and opinions after reading! Interact with native Japanese speakers online! Next, we have compiled a list of ways to interact with native Japanese speakers online! - "Ohanasi Kagawa" hosts free online language exchange events. The events are held six times a month, and you can find a language exchange partner who is a native Japanese speaker! Instead of teaching English, you will be matched with a Japanese person who wants to learn English. Interaction with a language exchange partner is very important for developing real communication skills in learning Japanese, and since we switch the language we speak for 15 minutes at a time, even beginners may find it easy to participate. - You can join Japanese conversation clubs on online platforms such as "Meetup" and "ConversationExchange". In these clubs, you will have the opportunity to speak Japanese in a group setting. By participating in regular online events and video chat sessions, you can communicate with native Japanese speakers and learners of Japanese! Group conversations will help you improve your practical conversational skills in a large group setting. - Online services such as "iTalki" and "HelloTalk" allow you to have one-on-one video chats with native Japanese speakers. These services allow online lessons and language exchange with certified native speakers. Through video chat, you can practice your Japanese and receive feedback in real time! With one-on-one sessions, I can have a customized learning experience that meets my individual needs and learning goals. How to motivate yourself to continue studying Japanese From here, we will introduce how to motivate yourself to continue learning Japanese for a long period of time. Let's consider goal setting, study plans, self-reflection and feedback! Goal Setting and Study Plan Goal setting and learning plans are important for effective learning. Specific goal setting based on SMART provides clear direction and motivation. Visualizing the achievement of your goals will make it easier for you to realize your progress. Setting realistic and achievable goals will also increase the effectiveness of your learning. Setting deadlines will help you manage your learning progress and promote focused learning. When creating a study schedule, it is important to find the times of day when you are most focused and incorporate learning into those times. By setting aside a set amount of time for study, you will be able to achieve continuous learning. Estimate the appropriate amount of time for your study and create a specific schedule. It is also important to incorporate appropriate breaks. Goal setting and a study plan can help with self-discipline. Having clear goals and a specific schedule will maximize the effectiveness of your learning. Also, following through on your plan will help you stay motivated. Be flexible and adjust your plan to fit your learning style and time usage! Self-reflection and getting feedback Self-reflection and feedback from others play an important role in improving learning outcomes. Create a learning log to visualize your learning progress and conduct self-analysis. You can also receive feedback from online tutors and language exchange partners to help you identify and improve your learning weaknesses. Together, these elements will help you find effective learning directions and promote your growth! Incorporate regular self-reflection and feedback from others to ensure that you are learning effectively! Continue learning while having fun Finally, here are some tips to help you continue your Japanese language study while having fun ∙ Watch Japanese movies and dramas to improve your listening skills and learn about Japanese culture and expressions. ∙ Listen to Japanese music and podcasts to learn natural phrases and pronunciation while relaxing. ∙ Improve your vocabulary and reading comprehension skills by reading content written in Japanese (manga, novels, news articles, etc.). ∙ Enjoy learning by using Japanese language study materials related to topics and activities that interest you. ∙ Join a study group or community to learn together and motivate yourself. By following these tips, you can enjoy and continue learning Japanese. Take full advantage of the online resources listed above while deepening your learning at your own pace! 【For Japanese Learners】 Limited to 10 people Free Consultation & Japanese Lesson ↑Click to the website! We are organizing a free Japanese language consultation & free Japanese lesson for Japanese learners. “Even though I’m studying Japanese, I can’t speak it.” “I don’t know how to study Japanese.” “I’m worried that I can’t see any progress.” Our Japanese Language Learning Counselors would be happy to listen to the concerns of such beginner- or intermediate-level Japanese language learners and advise them on how to learn Japanese and solutions that suit their needs. ※Due to the limited time of our Japanese Language Counselors, we limit the number of participants to 10. We at Ohanasi Kagawa are currently hosting an online Japanese-English language exchange event on weekends.However, we have noticed that there are many people who want to participate but are not confident enough in their Japanese to do so. We are holding this free Japanese language study consultation in the hope that we can help Japanese learners find hints to help them move forward.You can book through the calendar below, and we will send you a link for the free counseling by e-mail.If you’d like to take a Japanese lesson, you can take it for free during this time. Book a free counseling and trial lesson >>>

Ohanasi Kagawa

Learn Japanese

Japanese Culture

Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


【Nihongo-Level ★☆☆☆】Can you use Japanese grammar “Vてから” correctly?

"てform can be difficult to use because of its complex conjugated forms.Can you answer all of the following questions?" Review てform of a Verb + から (~て + から)Vてから means “after doing (verb)…” Quiz1【The conjugation of the てform】 Answer the てform of these verbs. ①彼に (  )から、 会社に行きます。 KARENI (  )KARA KAISHANI IKIMASU. ②毎朝、牛乳を(  )から、運動をします。MAIASA GYU-NYU-WO ( ) KARA UNDOUWO SHIMASU. ③母は、ご飯を(  )から、歯をみがきます。HAHAWA GOHANWO ( )KARA HAWO MIGAKIMASU. ④兄は、運動(  )から、シャワーを浴びます。ANIWA UNDOU( )KARA SHAWA-WO ABIMASU. ⑤家に友達が(  )から、料理をはじめます。IENI TOMODACHIGA( )KARA RYO-RIWO HAJIMEMASU.   Answers and Review for Quiz 1 ①あってから 彼に あってから、 会社に行きます。 KARENI ATTEKARA KAISHANI IKIMASU.ーI will go to the office after meeting him.②のんでから 毎朝、牛乳をのんでから、運動をします。 MAIASA GYU-NYU-WO NONDEKARA UNDOUWO SHIMASU.ーI exercise every morning after drinking a cup of milk.③たべてから 母は、ご飯をたべてから、歯をみがきます。 HAHAWA GOHANWO TABETEKARA HAWOMIGAKIMASU.ーMy mom brushes her teeth after having breakfast.④してから 兄は、運動してから、シャワーを浴びます。 ANIHA UNDOUSHITEKARA SHAWA-WO ABIMASU.ーMy brother takes a shower after exercising.⑤きてから 家に友達がきてから、料理をはじめます。 IENI TOMODACHIGAKITEKARA RYO-RIWO HAJIMEMASU.ーI’ll start cooking after my friends come to my house. Were you able to answer all the questions? Even if you didn't answer everything, please don't feel nervous!Let's practice together! Let’s practice how to conjugate the てform ①あう あう is a verb in group 1.Also, the last Hiragana of あう is “う”.That means that the てform of あう is あって. ②のむ のむ is a verb in group1.Also, the last Hiragana of のむ is “む”.That means that the てform of のむ is のんで. ③たべる たべる is a verb in group 2.Because of that, the てform of たべる is たべて. ④運動する 運動する(する verbs) is a verb in group 3.Since 運動する is a verb in group 3, the てform will be 運動して. ⑤くる くる is a verb in the group 3.That’s why てform of くる is きて. Quiz2【Practice the てform more】 Are you ready to practice てform some more?Please choose the correct conjugation. ①父と(  )から、先生に電話をします。1はなせて 2はなんで 3はなすって 4はなして ②家に(  )から、手を洗ってね。1ついて 2ついって 3つきて 4つくって ③映画館に(  )から、ポップコーンとコーラを買おうよ!1いくて 2いって 3いいて 4いんで ④日本では くつを (  )から、家に入りますよ。1ぬんで 2ぬきて 3ぬいで 4ぬって  ⑤髪を(  )から、モテるようになった。嬉しい!1きて 2きって 3きいて 4きて Answers and Review for Quiz 2 Let’s check the correct answers together. I’ll also explain how to conjugate these verbs correctly! ①4父と はなしてから、先生に電話をします。CHICHITO HANASHITEKARA SENSEINI DENWAWO SHIMASU.ーI’ll call my teacher after talking to my father. はなす is a verb in group 1.Also, the last Hiragana of はなす is “す”.That means that the てform of はなす is はなして. ②1家に ついてから、手を洗ってね。IENI TSUITEKARA TEWO ARATTENE.ーWash your hands after arriving home. つく is a verb in group 1.Also, the last Hiragana of つく is “く”.That means that the てform of つく is ついて. ③2映画館に いってから、ポップコーンとコーラを買おうよ!EIGAKAN NI ITTEKARA POPPUKO-N TO KO-RA WO KAOUYO.ーLet’s buy popcorn and soda when we get to the theater. ※いく is an irregular verb in group 1. The last Hiragana of いく is “く” but it doesn’t conjugate into “いいて” like “つく”.Please be careful with this verb!! The てform of いく is いって. ④3日本では くつを ぬいでから、家に入りますよ。NIHONDEHA KUTSUWO NUIDEKARA IENI HAIRIMASUYO.ーIn Japan, it’s common to enter a house only after taking off your shoes. ぬぐ is a verb in  group 1.Since ぬぐ is a verb in group 1 and the last hiragana is ぐ, we know that the てform of ぬぐ is ぬいで. ⑤2髪を きってから、モテるようになった。嬉しい!KAMIWO KITTEKARA MOTERUYOUNI NATTA. URESHIIーI started to feel more attractive after cutting my hair. ※Make sure to note that there are multiple words spelled ‘きる’ in Japanese.きる(切る:to cut) is a verb in group 1.※It is not in group 2. Meanwhile,  きる(着る : to wear)is in group 2.That’s why てform of 切る(to cut) is きって(切って), and theてform of 着る(to wear) is きて(着て).Make sure to double check which group a verb belongs in when conjugating! A quick wrap-up Did you understand the conjugations of the てform?If you can use it correctly, you might be able to talk with Japanese people like a native speaker!Please don’t forget these rules and review them whenever you forget them. Check it whenever you want to review the conjugation of てform. Check the Reels @Instagram Wouldn’t it be a great way to practice if you could try using the grammar we learned today in a real conversation with Japanese friends? Ohanasi Japanese Language School has 3 differences compared to other schools. 1.You can ask your questions face to face outside of lessons!2.You can discuss with English learners through writing whenever you want!3.You can find language partners safely! https://youtu.be/2MT9VCaSmCw?si=0sTxy4-qZ25UaDNe Do you want to put yourself in an environment where Japanese is used a lot? Please check our website if you would like to experience a new way to learn Japanese.

Ohanasi Kagawa

Learn Japanese

Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


【Nihongo Quiz 】Can you use あげる / くれる correctly?

I think... many Japanese learners cannot use this grammar correctly . How about you? Hi!! I'm Satomi in Ohanasi Japanese Language School.Let's practice あげる and くれる together★ QUIZ1:Which is correct ? 1.私は大好きな彼女にプレゼントを(  )。  a.あげた  b.くれた 2.昨日は私がお酒を飲んだから、姉が車を運転して(  )。  a.あげた  b.くれた 3.友達がさいふを家に忘れたので、100円かして(  )。  a.あげました  b.くれました 4.A「荷物がおもいから、運ぶのをてつだって(  )?」 B.「もちろん、いいよ!」  a.あげる b.くれる QUIZ1:Answer 1.私は大好きな彼女にプレゼントを( a.あげた )。 I gave my girlfriend a present. 2.昨日は私がお酒を飲んだから、姉が車を運転して( b.くれた )。 My sister drove my car because I drank last night. 3.友達がさいふを家に忘れたので、100円かして( a.あげました )。 My friend didn't have her wallet, so I lent her 100 yen. 4.A「荷物がおもい!運ぶのをてつだって( b.くれる )?」 B.「もちろん、いいよ!」  -A "They are so heavy! Can you help me carry them?"  -B "Sure!" How do we use あげる / くれる with correct grammar? The important thing is… the point of view! You can download it↑ How to make a sentence of くれる? How to make a sentence of あげる? QUIZ2:Practice 1.妹が 私に パソコンの使い方を 教えて(  )。  a.くれた  b.あげた 2.妹は 私の友達に パソコンの使い方を 教えて(  )。  a.あげた  b.くれた 3.先生は 私に 面白い話を (  )。  a.してくれた  b.してあげた 4.スタバの店員さんが 私に (  )。  a.笑いかけてあげた  b.笑いかけてくれた 5. A「今日も残業?仕事、(  )?」 B「ありがとう、おねがい。」  a.手伝ってあげようか  b.手伝ってくれようか 6.A「”lmao”ってなに?(  )?」 B「あぁ、それは、"laughing my ass off"で、"超おもしろい"って意味だよ。」  a.教えてくれる  b.教えてあげる QUIZ2:Answer 1.妹が 私に パソコンの使い方を 教えて( a.くれた )。 My sister taught me to use my PC. ※The point of view is 私. 2.妹は 私の友達に パソコンの使い方を 教えて( a.あげた )。 My sister taught my friend to use his PC. ※The point of view is 妹. 3.先生は 私に 面白い話を ( a.してくれた )。 My teacher told me a funny story. ※The point of view is 私. 4.スタバの店員さんが 私に ( b.笑いかけてくれた )。 The Starbucks clerk smiled at me. ※The point of view is 私. 5. A「今日も残業?仕事、( a.手伝ってあげようか )?」 B「ありがとう、おねがい。」  - A "Are you still working today too? Can I help you?"  - B "Thanks, please." ※The point of view is A. 6.A「”lmao”ってなに?( a.教えてくれる )?」 B「あぁ、それは、"laughing my ass off"で、"超おもしろい"って意味だよ。」 - A "What is lmao? Can you tell me what it means??" - B "Oh, it means “laughing my ass off”. It means "so funny"." ※The point of view is A. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.I hope you can use this grammar in your next daily conversation^^

Ohanasi Kagawa

Learn Japanese

Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


The best choice for beginners! Japanese Grammar Lessons Online

When you think "I want to learn Japanese!, you may be wondering how to learn Japanese. For those who are new to learning Japanese, finding the right Japanese grammar lessons is very important. This article summarizes Japanese grammar lessons offered online. Please read to the end for a detailed explanation of how to grasp basic grammar and tips for learning. We will support those who are taking their first steps in learning Japanese for the first time! Why is it important to study Japanese grammar? Why is it important to learn Japanese grammar in the first place? Grammar is the framework of the language and forms the structure and meaning of sentences. From here, we will explain in detail why it is important to study Japanese grammar. We will clarify the fundamental role of grammar and how learning grammar contributes to the improvement of Japanese language proficiency. A solid understanding of grammar will enable you to express yourself more accurately and naturally in Japanese.  Basic Structure of Japanese Grammar The basic structure of Japanese grammar is based on the conjugation and usage of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. - Nouns express subject and object, and have specific meanings when combined with particles and numerals.- Verbs change according to tense and honorific, expressing affirmation or negation, past, present, or future.- Adjectives indicate attributes or states of nouns, and change according to the affirmative or negative, past, present, or future. Understanding these basic structures facilitates understanding of sentence structure and meaning, and enables smooth communication. Mastery of Japanese grammar is an important step in speaking Japanese fluently and communicating effectively with others. Japanese Grammar Patterns and Understanding Understanding Japanese grammar patterns is very important in developing the ability to create new sentences on your own. For example, "te form" is used to express a sequence of actions, reason or purpose. The construction of interrogative sentences involves the conjugation of interrogatives and particles, and by using them appropriately, you can express your questions clearly. In addition, the structure of negative sentences generally involves adding "nai" to verbs and adjectives to indicate negation. To understand these grammatical patterns, it is important to learn each usage and meaning in a specific context and actually use them. By mastering grammar patterns, you will improve your ability to express your thoughts and intentions accurately and communicate more richly. Advantages of Learning Japanese Grammar Online So, what are the advantages of learning Japanese grammar online? Here we will explain in detail the advantages of learning Japanese grammar online. We will cover the unique features of online learning, such as the free pace of learning and the convenience of being able to study from anywhere. Now, let's learn Japanese grammar online and gain a deeper understanding of the language! You can study at your own pace Online learning allows you to control your progress at your own convenience. For example, you can play and pause lessons, so you can stop and listen to the parts you don't understand as many times as you like. This allows you to progress at your own pace. Repeat learning is also very convenient. By listening to difficult content or important points over and over again, you can gradually deepen your understanding. In addition, online learning also allows you to take advantage of the skip and back functions. By skipping the parts you understand and going back to the difficult parts over and over again, you can efficiently consolidate your knowledge. By utilizing these features, you can tailor your learning to your level of understanding and learning style. Online learning is an excellent way to ensure knowledge acquisition by providing flexible progression speed and the convenience of review. Convenience of learning from anywhere With online lessons, there are no restrictions on where you can study. Learning at home is especially convenient. You can study in your own comfortable environment, which helps you to concentrate more. You can also study on the move. You can make the most of your commute or travel time and reduce the amount of time you waste. With a smartphone or tablet, you can study anywhere. Furthermore, you can continue learning even when you are out. You can concentrate on your study in a quiet place such as a café or library. Thus, the great advantage of online lessons is that you can learn anywhere. You can study at home, on the move, on the go, or wherever suits you best. This allows you to flexibly work on your study according to your own lifestyle and schedule. Introducing free Japanese grammar lessons for beginners From here on, we will introduce free Japanese grammar lessons for beginners. When you start learning Japanese, you may worry about the cost and get lost in the choice of materials, but these lessons are offered for free. It's nice to have a sense of security without being burdened to take the first step in learning Japanese. By using these lessons, you will be able to understand basic grammar and build a solid foundation in Japanese. Let's take a closer look! Recommended Lessons for Beginners What lessons do you recommend for beginners? The beginner's lesson begins with a transition from alphabet to hiragana or katakana. This will help you to understand the Japanese sound characters and become literate. Second, basic grammar is important. Learning basic grammatical rules, such as the structure of Japanese sentences and the order of words, will improve your ability to form sentences. Then you will move on to learning phrases commonly used in everyday life. Learning useful phrases in real conversations, such as greetings, self-introductions, shopping or ordering at a restaurant, will improve your communication skills. In this way, the lessons for beginners cover the basics of Japanese. Through the transition from the alphabet to hiragana and katakana, students will solidify the basics of reading and writing, learn basic grammar rules, understand how to make sentences, and develop phrases that are useful in everyday speech. This allows beginners to learn the basics of Japanese while developing skills that can be applied to actual communication. How to use free lessons There are several ways to make the most of your free Japanese grammar lessons. First, it's important to take lessons regularly. Repeated learning allows knowledge to take hold and helps you improve your skills without forgetting. It's also important to take notes. Use your notes to summarize what you learned during the lesson and to check your understanding. Taking notes makes it easier to review. In addition, focus on listening and speaking practice. Practicing speaking with the expressions and phrases you learned in the lessons can help build your confidence. To improve your Japanese listening skills, you can also get into the habit of listening to Japanese audio content. To get the most out of your free lessons like this, it's important to take them regularly and make sure you progress while taking notes. You can also improve your skills by emphasizing listening and speaking practice and using the knowledge you learn in actual conversation and Japanese content. Are you getting an idea of Japanese grammar lessons? Ohanasi Kagawa hosts free online language exchange events on weekends. It features one-on-one pairs of English and Japanese learners, who switch languages for 15 minutes each. There are rules in place to make it easier for first-timers to participate in online events, so if you want to communicate in Japanese, check out the details. The online Japanese grammar lessons are attractive because you can learn at your own pace and have the flexibility to go anywhere. And if you take advantage of the free Japanese lessons that are suitable for beginners, you can take the first step toward learning Japanese without worrying about the cost. For beginners, a service like this can be a big help! 【For Japanese Learners】 Limited to 10 people Free Consultation & Japanese Lesson ↑Click to the website! We are organizing a free Japanese language consultation & free Japanese lesson for Japanese learners. “Even though I’m studying Japanese, I can’t speak it.” “I don’t know how to study Japanese.” “I’m worried that I can’t see any progress.” Our Japanese Language Learning Counselors would be happy to listen to the concerns of such beginner- or intermediate-level Japanese language learners and advise them on how to learn Japanese and solutions that suit their needs. ※Due to the limited time of our Japanese Language Counselors, we limit the number of participants to 10. We at Ohanasi Kagawa are currently hosting an online Japanese-English language exchange event on weekends.However, we have noticed that there are many people who want to participate but are not confident enough in their Japanese to do so. We are holding this free Japanese language study consultation in the hope that we can help Japanese learners find hints to help them move forward.You can book through the calendar below, and we will send you a link for the free counseling by e-mail.If you’d like to take a Japanese lesson, you can take it for free during this time. Book a free counseling and trial lesson >>>

Ohanasi Kagawa

Learn Japanese

Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


Master Japanese Pronunciation Practice: Helpful Online Tips and Apps

Are you wondering how to practice your Japanese pronunciation? Pronunciation can seem difficult to study on your own, can't it? In this article, we will introduce you to online tips and apps that will help you master Japanese pronunciation practice. Read to the end and you will feel more confident about how to practice Japanese pronunciation. Use the online platform and apps to improve your Japanese pronunciation skills! How to get the most out of your online Japanese pronunciation practice In the digital age, learning a new language has been a lot easier than ever before. We've compiled some tips and resources on how to improve your Japanese pronunciation skills online for a more immersive learning experience. Reason for Online Japanese Pronunciation Practice being the Key to Language Acquisition Online practice is a game changer in Japanese pronunciation practice. The first key is flexibility. You can practice at home or wherever you want, anytime you want. Online also gives you access to a wealth of learning materials, so you can effectively use the tools you need to learn accurate pronunciation. Furthermore, with real-time communication, you can learn practically from conversations with native speakers and get used to the rhythm and intonation of the Japanese language. Take full advantage of the online environment and freely practice your Japanese pronunciation wherever you like. Take advantage of the benefits of flexibility, accessibility, and immersion in the language to improve your pronunciation skills. Best Online Platforms for Japanese Pronunciation Practice Online platforms for improving Japanese pronunciation offer a variety of features. For example, platforms that utilize speech recognition technology provide accurate assessment and feedback so you can improve your pronunciation even if you are self-taught. In addition, platforms with diverse levels of learners can offer pronunciation practice suited to your level and allow you to interact with other learners. Furthermore, platforms that allow you to interact with actual Japanese speakers allow you to hone your natural pronunciation through real-life conversational experiences. By utilizing these platforms, you can practice pronunciation more effectively and improve your Japanese pronunciation skills. Choose the platform that best suits your learning style and goals, and have fun while polishing your pronunciation. Easy Japanese Pronunciation Practice at your fingertips: Recommended Apps Apps provide a great opportunity to practice Japanese pronunciation anytime, anywhere. In this section, we recommend some of the best apps to improve your Japanese pronunciation. Benefits of using apps for Japanese pronunciation practice There are many benefits to using a smartphone app to practice Japanese pronunciation. First, the convenience of the app is very high, and you can practice anywhere. Since you are not tied to a specific location and can study at your convenience, you can practice pronunciation without difficulty even with a busy schedule. Also, not being tied to a specific location means that you can make effective use of your commuting time and waiting time. This will allow you to make use of your free time in your daily life for continuous pronunciation practice. In addition, these apps often offer a personalized learning experience. You can choose content and practice methods that match your level and goals. You will also be able to track and check your progress as you grow. By using a smartphone app, you can practice pronunciation effectively without being restricted by place and time. Find the app that suits you best and use it to improve your Japanese pronunciation. Recommendations for the best apps for Japanese pronunciation practice Here are some top recommended apps for Japanese pronunciation practice. First, there is an app called "Pronunciation Power" that provides effective feedback. This app features a recording function and comparison tool to help you practice accurate pronunciation. By comparing your pronunciation with that of native speakers, you can identify areas for improvement. Next, there is an app called "HelloTalk" that includes gamification elements. This app not only allows users to practice pronunciation through dialogue with real Japanese speakers, but also to enjoy friendship and cultural exchange with language exchange partners. The game-like learning experience is a great motivator. We also recommend the "Tandem" app. This app offers language exchange with native speakers, allowing you to improve your pronunciation through real conversations. You can record your conversation with your partner and get feedback, or conversely, you can learn by listening to their pronunciation. These apps help you improve your Japanese pronunciation through effective feedback, gamification elements, and interaction with real Japanese speakers. Choose the app that best suits your learning style and goals, and enjoy practicing your Japanese pronunciation in a fun and effective way. Tips to improve your Japanese pronunciation From here, we will share some useful advice and techniques for practicing your Japanese pronunciation. Please refer to them as we share tips to help you improve your skills as an actual Japanese speaker. Effective Japanese Pronunciation Practice Tips There are several effective techniques for practicing Japanese pronunciation. First, "shadowing" helps you acquire accurate pronunciation and rhythm by simultaneously speaking a native speaker's voice out loud. Also, in "Listening and Repetition", you can improve your pronunciation by carefully listening to Japanese audio and practicing repeatedly to understand accents and features. Furthermore, it is also important to learn pronunciation symbols. It is recommended to learn how to use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and other symbols to represent accurate pronunciation. Practicing a combination of these techniques will greatly improve your Japanese pronunciation skills. With continuous practice and feedback, you will become a confident and fluent speaker of Japanese. Common Mistakes in Japanese Pronunciation and their Corrections There are some common mistakes and misunderstandings in Japanese pronunciation, and learning how to correct them will help you learn to pronounce Japanese more naturally. First, it is important to distinguish between long and short sounds. As in the case of "obasan" and "obaasan," the meaning of a Japanese word can change depending on the length of the vowel, so it must be pronounced correctly. Misunderstandings of syllables are also common. For example, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between "Tsu" and "Su" or "Shi" and "Ji," but it is important to grasp the difference and be aware of correct pronunciation. Furthermore, pitch accent is another characteristic element of the Japanese language, and placing accents in different positions can change the meaning. It is important to learn the patterns of pitch accents and to pronounce them with awareness. To learn these, listen to the correct model voice and practice repeatedly. It is also effective to receive feedback through pronunciation practice. By being aware of your pronunciation through continuous practice, you will be able to improve your Japanese pronunciation. While you are learning on your own, you may want to ask someone a direct question or try to see if they can understand you. Ohanasi Kagawa offers language exchange events between Japanese and English. We hold these events six times a month on weekends. In this style, Japanese and English learners are paired one-on-one and switch the language they speak every 15 minutes. If you are interested, please check out the details. There are several ways to improve your Japanese pronunciation. It is important to take advantage of online platforms and apps to understand effective practice methods and common mistakes. Take your Japanese pronunciation one step further with the tips we've included in this article. 【For Japanese Learners】 Limited to 10 people Free Consultation & Japanese Lesson ↑Click to the website! We are organizing a free Japanese language consultation & free Japanese lesson for Japanese learners. “Even though I’m studying Japanese, I can’t speak it.” “I don’t know how to study Japanese.” “I’m worried that I can’t see any progress.” Our Japanese Language Learning Counselors would be happy to listen to the concerns of such beginner- or intermediate-level Japanese language learners and advise them on how to learn Japanese and solutions that suit their needs. ※Due to the limited time of our Japanese Language Counselors, we limit the number of participants to 10. We at Ohanasi Kagawa are currently hosting an online Japanese-English language exchange event on weekends.However, we have noticed that there are many people who want to participate but are not confident enough in their Japanese to do so. We are holding this free Japanese language study consultation in the hope that we can help Japanese learners find hints to help them move forward.You can book through the calendar below, and we will send you a link for the free counseling by e-mail.If you’d like to take a Japanese lesson, you can take it for free during this time. Book a free counseling and trial lesson >>>

Ohanasi Kagawa

Japanese Culture

Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


Find your perfect online Japanese tutor: Start a new way to learn!

Do you want to meet your ideal online Japanese tutor? Are you looking for a new way to learn Japanese? With online Japanese tutoring, you can learn at your own pace without being limited by time or location. With Ohanasi Kagawa, you are sure to find the right tutor for yourself. This article explains why we at Ohanasi Kagawa recommend studying Japanese and how to get the most out of your learning experience. If you read to the end, you will know how to find the right online Japanese tutor for yourself! We are here to help you learn Japanese effectively and communicate with confidence. Start a new learning experience and explore the fascinating world of the Japanese language! Why should you choose our Online Japanese Tutoring? First, let us explain why you should choose our online Japanese tutoring: Ohanasi Kagawa's online Japanese events offer flexibility, accessibility, and a unique language exchange experience. https://youtu.be/oZ_I3A-xBYo?si=gnQJi5CtqrcnEWd9 https://ohanasikagawa.com/online-event/ Participants are not restricted by time or location, and they can work at their own pace! At the events, participants can improve their Japanese conversational skills by communicating with Japanese speakers in real time through the online platform. At our unique language exchange events, participants will be able to deepen their cultural understanding and enjoy cross-cultural exchange through dialogue with Japanese speakers. Our events are a great opportunity for learners to learn Japanese effectively while having fun, while providing flexibility and accessibility. Let's take a closer look below! Flexibility and Accessibility Ohana Kagawa's online language exchange events are flexible and accessible. Because they are online, you can participate from anywhere in the world. You can choose from six event dates and times per month on weekends to fit your schedule. The events themselves are free, and since there is no need to travel, you save time and transportation costs. With the unique features of online learning, this is the perfect way for those who want to learn at their own pace despite their busy schedules; take advantage of Ohanashi Kagawa's online language exchange events and learn at your own pace, free from the constraints of location and time. The key is to enjoy an experience that offers flexibility and convenience and leads to continued learning. Unique Language Exchange Events Ohanasi Kagawa's unique language exchange events are a great opportunity to improve your Japanese language skills through real conversations. By interacting with Japanese speakers and other learners, you can hone your natural ability to express yourself. Another advantage of learning from actual Japanese speakers is that you can learn pronunciation and cultural nuances that can be easily conveyed. Furthermore, you can make friends through interaction with international participants. In this way, Ohanasi Kagawa events provide an exciting and enriching language exchange experience for learners. Participants can enrich their Japanese language learning experience by practicing their skills and connecting with people from different cultures and backgrounds. We invite you to join Ohanasi Kagawa's unique language exchange events for hands-on learning and international networking! No Expertise Required: How We Teach Ohanasi Kagawa believes that participants do not need to be an expert in teaching Japanese to teach Japanese. The emphasis is on building a teaching relationship between Japanese speakers who learn English and English speakers who learn Japanese by interacting with each other. With continuous real-time feedback from each other, learners can continue to grow through self-assessment, and we believe that Ohanasi Kagawa's approach is an effective way to help learners learn Japanese with confidence. Anyone can participate in the program, even if they are not a specialist in Japanese language education, so it is recommended for those who feel that attending a Japanese language school is too much of a hurdle. Join us and try the experience of teaching each other the language. Make the most of your learning with Japanese Tutoring Near You! Ohanasi Kagawa aims to maximize your learning experience with Japanese tutoring near you. We are making international exchange more accessible, creating a place where people from Japan and around the world can connect more easily and safely. The appeal of this program is that Japanese speakers who are interested in international exchange are highly motivated to learn the language, as they are motivated to learn English. All participants are eager to learn the language, so even those who feel that they lack confidence in their own Japanese can feel comfortable participating.  Accessible Japanese Culture Through Online Japanese Tutoring, learners have the opportunity to experience Japanese culture through Ohanasi Kagawa's Language Exchange, where they can ask Japanese speakers directly about Japanese culture. You can learn about Japanese etiquette and social customs, and deepen your understanding of greetings and behaviors that improve the atmosphere. By acquiring knowledge about Japanese customs, traditions, and food culture in the course of Japanese language tutoring, you will deepen your understanding of Japanese culture. Through the flexibility of the online environment and real-time communication, you can enjoy both language learning and Japanese culture at the same time, and through Ohanasi Kagawa's program, you can broaden your international horizons while learning Japanese and experiencing Japanese culture! Ohanasi Kagawa's language exchange events are held six times a month on weekends. Participants can attend events at their convenience, so please check the schedule. Applications are available through the Ohanasi Kagawa website. You can sign up first and then apply for the event of your choice. Ohanasi Kagawa's language exchange events are a great way to experience online Japanese tutoring. We tailor the learning experience to fit your lifestyle. We place the highest priority on participants' ease of speaking, interaction, and safety, so you can focus on your language exchange time with peace of mind. Wherever you are, you can start a new journey of Japanese language learning with our online Japanese tutoring service. 【For Japanese Learners】 Limited to 10 people Free Consultation & Japanese Lesson ↑Click to the website! We are organizing a free Japanese language consultation & free Japanese lesson for Japanese learners. “Even though I’m studying Japanese, I can’t speak it.” “I don’t know how to study Japanese.” “I’m worried that I can’t see any progress.” Our Japanese Language Learning Counselors would be happy to listen to the concerns of such beginner- or intermediate-level Japanese language learners and advise them on how to learn Japanese and solutions that suit their needs. ※Due to the limited time of our Japanese Language Counselors, we limit the number of participants to 10. We at Ohanasi Kagawa are currently hosting an online Japanese-English language exchange event on weekends.However, we have noticed that there are many people who want to participate but are not confident enough in their Japanese to do so. We are holding this free Japanese language study consultation in the hope that we can help Japanese learners find hints to help them move forward.You can book through the calendar below, and we will send you a link for the free counseling by e-mail.If you’d like to take a Japanese lesson, you can take it for free during this time. Book a free counseling and trial lesson >>>

Ohanasi Kagawa

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Japanese Culture

Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


【3mins Nihongo Quiz】Which is correct?The negative form of いadjective VS なadjective

What’s the difference between いadjective and なadjective? Hi!! I'm Satomi in Ohanasi Japanese Language School.Today, I'll teach you about adjectives in Japanese !! QUIZ TIME !! Choose the correct answers. 1.このカレーは、 ( a.おいしくない / b.おいしいじゃない )。 2.お姉ちゃんのスカートは、黒い。だから、 ( a.はでくない / b.はでじゃない )。 3.このコーヒー、にがい! ( a.あまくない / b.あまいじゃない )! 4.私の母は、声が小さいので、( a.うるさいじゃない / b.うるさくない )です。 5.私は、運動が ( a.好きじゃない / b.好きくない )です。つかれるからです。 6.このスマホは5年前に買いましたから、 ( a.あたらしいじゃない / b.あたらしくない )です。   Answer 1.このカレーは、 ( a.おいしくない )。  This curry is not good (tasty) . 2.お姉ちゃんのスカートは、黒い。だから、 (  b.はでじゃない )。  My sister's skirt is black. So it's not flashy. 3.このコーヒー、にがい! ( a.あまくない )!  This coffee is so dark ! It's not sweet ! 4.私の母は、声が小さいので、(  b.うるさくない )です。  My mom has a quiet voice, she is not noisy. 5.私は、運動が ( a.好きじゃない )です。つかれるからです。  I don't like exercise because I feel tired after it. 6.このスマホは5年前に買いましたから、 (  b.あたらしくない )です。  This smartphone is not new because I bought it 5 years ago. The rule of negative form in いadjective and なadjective 1.このカレーは、 ( a.おいしくない )。→おいしい is いadjective. The negative form is 「おいしい+くない=おいしくない」 2.お姉ちゃんのスカートは、黒い。だから、 (  b.はでじゃない )。→はでな is なadjective. The negative form is 「はでな+じゃない=はでじゃない」 3.このコーヒー、にがい! ( a.あまくない )!→あまい is いadjective. The negative form is 「あまい+くない=あまくない」 4.私の母は、声が小さいので、(  b.うるさくない )です。→うるさい is いadjective. The negative form is 「うるさい+くない=うるさくない」 5.私は、運動が ( a.好きじゃない )です。つかれるからです。→好きな is なadjective. The negative form is 「好きな+じゃない=好きじゃない」 6.このスマホは5年前に買いましたから、 (  b.あたらしくない )です。→あたらしい is いadjective. The negative form is 「あたらしい+くない=あたらしくない」 Check the Reels @Instagram Thank you for reading the blog!Please check our event here👇You can practice conversation with Japanese friends for free. Also, you can join it every weekend. Join Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Kagawa

Learn Japanese

Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


Accelerate your Japanese language learning! Online Japanese Language Exchange Events

Do you want to have friends you can talk to in Japanese? If you look for people you can talk to in Japanese in your daily life, the number of people you can talk to is limited, isn't it? Online Japanese language exchange events are a great opportunity to make learning Japanese effective and fun. Participants who speak different languages can teach each other and practice practical use of Japanese and realistic conversation. The convenience of online participation without the constraints of location or time is also an attractive feature. Through interaction with participants from different cultures, you can broaden your international perspective. You can also deepen your own understanding by using your skills to teach Japanese to other participants. Online language exchange events are recommended for those who want to improve their Japanese language skills while having fun. Join us and accelerate your Japanese language learning journey through interaction with new friends!  Why Japanese Language Exchange Events Help You Learn? Why a language exchange event? You may be wondering why Japanese language exchange events are a great opportunity for learners to support each other's language learning. By participating, you will be able to use practical Japanese and get real-time feedback. Not only will you improve your daily conversation and cultural understanding through conversations with other participants, but you will also receive feedback from other participants on your pronunciation and grammar. An added benefit is that you will learn while gaining a broader perspective through cross-cultural exchange. Language exchange events are a great opportunity for learners to help each other improve their Japanese language skills and have fun while learning through interaction with new friends. Join us and make your Japanese language study more effective! Below is a summary of natural learning through dialogue and meeting new friends. Natural Learning through Dialogue Dialogue at language exchange events can be very beneficial for improving your actual conversational skills. First, you can learn Japanese in a natural conversational flow. Through realistic dialogue, you will acquire the skills to apply Japanese to actual communication. Another key point is that you will receive immediate feedback. By receiving feedback on your pronunciation and grammar from other participants, you will be able to express yourself satisfactorily. Furthermore, you'll be able to enjoy conversations on a wide variety of topics. Participants will be able to discuss their interests and experiences with each other and share different perspectives and cultures. This will not only broaden your conversational skills, but also deepen your understanding of different cultures and international perspectives. Language exchange events are a very effective way to improve your practical conversational skills. Enjoy a natural conversation on a wide variety of topics, while valuing feedback! Meeting new friends Language exchange events are a great opportunity to make new friends. By meeting participants who share common interests and interacting with participants from around the world, you can experience diverse cultures and perspectives. You can build deep connections through communication that transcends language barriers, so friendships will naturally develop. In addition, you will be motivated to learn with your new friends, and you will be able to improve your language skills while having fun. Furthermore, through cross-cultural exchange, you will be exposed to the diversity of the world and broaden your own horizons. Language exchange events are a chance to develop practical communication skills and cross-cultural understanding through meeting new friends beyond the boundaries of language learning.  What are the benefits of an online Japanese language exchange event? What are the benefits of an online Japanese language exchange event? Online language exchange events are particularly attractive because of their freedom and reliable support system, regardless of location. Participants can participate from home or anywhere they have access to the Internet, allowing them to focus on learning without being limited by transportation or distance. In addition, online chat support is provided in the online environment, where a dedicated staff member responds quickly to participants' questions and concerns. Pre- and post-session preparation and review time will be provided before and after each session to ensure that participants get the most out of their learning experience. In addition, technical issues are handled promptly, allowing participants to attend the event with peace of mind. Japanese language exchange events enjoyed online offer the freedom to focus on learning without the constraints of location and the peace of mind that comes with the support of dedicated staff. Let's take a closer look at each of these options below! Freedom to choose your location First, let me explain the freedom to choose any location. Online language exchange events offer freedom and convenience to participants. Since you can participate from home, you can focus on learning without being limited by transportation or location. And because you can choose from multiple time slots, you can adjust your study time to fit your schedule. Often, consideration is also given to those participating from outside Japan. Furthermore, since there is no need to travel to a specific location, there are no transportation costs or travel time burdens. Specifically, online communication tools make it easy to participate. No special preparation is required, and you can easily participate from the comfort of your home or office, allowing you to learn at your own pace. This freedom and convenience allows you to effectively continue your language learning even in the midst of your busy daily life. Join an online language exchange event, create a learning environment that suits you, and improve your language skills. Reliable support system Ohanasi Kagawa's online Japanese language exchange events provide participants with a meticulous support system. Basically, English and Japanese language learners talk in one-on-one pairs, but there are staff members patrolling the area so that they can call on each other at any time. If they have any difficulties while speaking with a partner, they can get immediate support via chat or by accessing the staff room directly. These support systems ensure that participants can attend events with confidence and learn Japanese effectively. We invite you to join an Ohanasi Kagawa event and experience a well-rounded and supportive learning experience. Our Ohanasi Kagawa online Japanese language exchange events are a fun and efficient way to support your Japanese language learning. We offer learning through natural conversation, meeting new friends, the freedom to choose your location, and a reliable support system. Why not try a new learning experience? 【For Japanese Learners】 Limited to 10 people Free Consultation & Japanese Lesson ↑Click to the website! We are organizing a free Japanese language consultation & free Japanese lesson for Japanese learners. “Even though I’m studying Japanese, I can’t speak it.” “I don’t know how to study Japanese.” “I’m worried that I can’t see any progress.” Our Japanese Language Learning Counselors would be happy to listen to the concerns of such beginner- or intermediate-level Japanese language learners and advise them on how to learn Japanese and solutions that suit their needs. ※Due to the limited time of our Japanese Language Counselors, we limit the number of participants to 10. We at Ohanasi Kagawa are currently hosting an online Japanese-English language exchange event on weekends.However, we have noticed that there are many people who want to participate but are not confident enough in their Japanese to do so. We are holding this free Japanese language study consultation in the hope that we can help Japanese learners find hints to help them move forward.You can book through the calendar below, and we will send you a link for the free counseling by e-mail.If you’d like to take a Japanese lesson, you can take it for free during this time. Book a free counseling and trial lesson >>>

Ohanasi Kagawa

Learn Japanese

Ohanasi Kagawa

Ohanasi Japanese Language School


Discover Japan from Home: Master Japanese for Travelers

What kind of Japanese do you need to travel to Japan? In this article, we have compiled information on how to master the Japanese language for travelers. By learning Japanese from home, you can enjoy your trip to Japan more. With online Japanese language study programs, you can learn at your own pace and master basic phrases and expressions. You will be able to communicate smoothly in everyday situations such as ordering at restaurants, shopping, and using public transportation. The advantage of the online learning environment is that you can interact with quality instructors and get real-time feedback to improve your pronunciation and conversation skills. Furthermore, by learning from home, you are not limited by time and location, so you can learn more efficiently. Learning Japanese language starting from home is a valuable experience for you to acquire basic communication skills before your trip and to deepen your interaction with the local culture and people. To enrich your travel experience, try learning Japanese at home! Why learning Japanese for travelers is important for your trip Understanding the basics of the Japanese language is crucial to a better travel experience in Japan. Being proficient in basic Japanese is essential for communicating with locals and gaining a better understanding of the culture. Whether you are ordering or asking questions at a local restaurant, getting directions and information at tourist spots, or using public transportation, using Japanese to communicate smoothly will help you enjoy a memorable trip! Furthermore, understanding the Japanese language will give you more opportunities to interact with the locals and experience Japanese culture. Learning the basics of the Japanese language is more than just giving directions and ordering food; it is part of a heart-to-heart exchange and cultural experience for the traveler. - Breaking the Language Barrier: Ordering Meals Like a Local- Let's learn basic phrases for traveling in Japan. Let's take a look at these two points! Breaking the Language Barrier: Ordering Your Meal Like a Local Knowing simple phrases can be very helpful when ordering a meal at a Japanese restaurant. For example, at a sushi restaurant, you can say "Onegaishimasu" and make specific orders such as "Maguro wo kudasai" or "Sushi no moriawase wo onegaishimasu". At a ramen restaurant, you understand the different types of ramen and can order the ramen that best suits your taste. You can smoothly choose a menu item by ordering, "Miso ramen wo onegaishimasu," or "Chashu-men wo kudasai." It is also important to provide allergy information at restaurants. For example, if you tell them, "Komugi allergy ga arunode komugi wa tukawanaidekudasai."(I have a wheat allergy, so please don't use wheat), they will provide you with a meal suitable for you. In this way, using simple phrases will make meal ordering smoother and allow you to enjoy a meal tailored to your preferences and allergies. It will also facilitate communication with the staff and make your dining experience more pleasant. We recommend that you learn these phrases to better enjoy your meals at Japanese restaurants. Let's learn basic phrases for traveling in Japan When traveling in Japan, it is important to learn basic Japanese phrases. Using phrases such as greetings, thank yous, directions, and ordering will enable you to communicate more smoothly. For example, using greeting phrases will make you more comfortable meeting and interacting with locals. Also, by using phrases for directions, you can ask locals for help when you are lost or using public transportation. Furthermore, using phrases for ordering and asking questions at restaurants and stores will make your local dining and shopping experience smoother. Using basic Japanese phrases can help you communicate with locals and gain a better understanding of their culture and customs. You will also get reactions and smiles from the locals, which will make your travel experience more fulfilling. Having a good command of basic Japanese phrases is essential to making your trip to Japan a richer experience. Don't get lost on Japanese roads: Ask for directions Basic phrases are useful when asking for directions in Japan. When checking your destination on a map, ask for directions such as, "Koko ni ikitai no desu ga, konobasyo wa donogurai hanareteimasuka?" (I want to go here, how far away is this place?) or "Konobasyo made no saiteki na keiro wa nandesuka?" (What is the best way to get to this location?) . When asking for directions on public transportation, use phrases such as "00eki ni ikuniha donoressya ni norebaiidesuka?" (Which train do I take to get to station 00?) or "Konobasu wa 00 e ikimasu ka?" (Does this bus go to 00?) to get information on the correct direction to go. When giving directions on the road, it is common to ask people around you. For example, "00 eno saitankeiro wa donomichi wo susumebaiidesuka?" (Which road is the shortest way to get to 00?") or "00nochikaku no restrant wo osietekudasai" (Can you tell me about a restaurant near 00?) When asking for directions, proceed with communication while being respectful of the other person's language and culture. Gestures and the use of maps can also help. By using simple phrases, polite communication, and accurate information, you can ensure that you receive smooth directions. Advantages of Learning Japanese for Travelers Online There are many advantages to learning Japanese for travelers online. It's a convenient and effective way to learn Japanese for travelers. Enjoy your stay in Japan more by learning Japanese for Travelers online and then going on a trip. You can learn phrases and expressions to facilitate communication and cultural exchange with the locals. Below is a closer look at the convenience of online and our Ohanasi Kagawa events! Learning at your own pace: Online convenience Online learning greatly enhances the convenience of learning. One of the most significant advantages is the ability to learn at your own pace. Materials and content will be available on demand, and you will be able to set your own learning schedule. In addition, you can study from any location, so you can study at home, in a café, at the library, or anywhere else you like. In addition, online learning offers real-time feedback and learning support. You'll be able to communicate with other learners and instructors through the online platform and community to ask questions and resolve doubts. In addition, you can also receive feedback and advice from your instructor through online chats and video calls. These advantages allow learners to deepen their learning in a learning environment with flexibility and freedom. Not only can you learn at your own pace and not be restricted by location or time, but you can also receive real-time feedback and learning support, which is an advantage all its own. Online learning is an excellent option that allows learners to create an effective learning environment tailored to their individual needs and to learn efficiently. We at Ohanasi Kagawa host free online language exchange events on weekends. Japanese and English learners are paired one-on-one and switch between Japanese and English every 15 minutes. As mentioned earlier, the strength of this program is that it provides real-time feedback. Various rules have been set to ensure safe participation, so if you are new to online events, please check them out. Learning Japanese for travelers is essential to making your experience in Japan rich and satisfying, and Ohanasi Kagawa's online events allow you to learn Japanese at your own pace, in your own time and place, while having fun. From ordering at a Japanese restaurant to requesting directions, start preparing to make your trip to Japan smoother and more enjoyable! 【For Japanese Learners】 Limited to 10 people Free Consultation & Japanese Lesson ↑Click to the website! We are organizing a free Japanese language consultation & free Japanese lesson for Japanese learners. “Even though I’m studying Japanese, I can’t speak it.” “I don’t know how to study Japanese.” “I’m worried that I can’t see any progress.” Our Japanese Language Learning Counselors would be happy to listen to the concerns of such beginner- or intermediate-level Japanese language learners and advise them on how to learn Japanese and solutions that suit their needs. ※Due to the limited time of our Japanese Language Counselors, we limit the number of participants to 10. We at Ohanasi Kagawa are currently hosting an online Japanese-English language exchange event on weekends.However, we have noticed that there are many people who want to participate but are not confident enough in their Japanese to do so. We are holding this free Japanese language study consultation in the hope that we can help Japanese learners find hints to help them move forward.You can book through the calendar below, and we will send you a link for the free counseling by e-mail.If you’d like to take a Japanese lesson, you can take it for free during this time. Book a free counseling and trial lesson >>>

Ohanasi Kagawa